This blog post is a very simplified version of how to create your own small business. This is how Astro Rex Marketing became a thing along with many other companies. If you have been longing for the lifestyle of being able to take a vacation when you want and having the ability to influence other peoples life with your product or service now you can! Just follow these simple steps.
Find Something You Love to Do
No matter who you are, where you live, what you do for work, everyone has something that they love to do. Some people call this a hobby. Whatever you wanna call everyone has that something. The first step to creating your own small business is to figure out what that thing is. You may have many different things that you love to do which is good! Make a list of all of your hobbies whether you have 1 or 100. Once you have made a list, look through it and write next to where you wrote the hobby down what business(s) you could make with that hobby. Here is an example.
- Golfing – Golf coach, Golf Gear store
- Hunting – Hunting Guide
- Drawing – Online Store selling art, Live Paintings, Business Card Designer
- Skateboarding – Skateboarding store
- Swimming – Swimming teacher, Lifeguard, Swim gear
Once you have successfully made a list of hobbies and ways you could make them into a small business, go through and eliminate the ones that you have no interest to make a small business around or that don’t make sense to you, and star the ideas that stick out to you and get you excited about starting them that instance. Keep shrinking your list until you have found one hobby that would be perfect for creating your small business around.

Create Social Channels Promoting You Doing That Thing
The very next thing that needs to be done, once you have figured out what hobby you’re going to focus on, is creating a social media account. Instagram, Youtube, Facebook, and TikTok are the channels that I would choose from to start with. Based on who your target audience is and what content is going to work best to promote your hobby is how you will choose which social platform to use. Once you have chosen the platform, create an account and start making content for yourself just enjoying your hobby. Try and gain as many followers as you can before you even start to promote your business. Get them interested in the hobby as well. After you get some followers you can reach out to them and try to get a customer. If your small business is going to be a golf coach ask one of your followers if they would be interested in having you as their coach or their kids coach. If your company is a skateboarding store ask them if they would be interested in any of the products or services that you are able to offer. Once you have gotten your first customer it becomes easier to get more! Continue to grow your following and start introducing your company and what you can bring to your hobby.

Create a Website
The next step is to create a website. After you have created your social media page you are going to start getting customers and need a place to control them all and allow for them to buy what you are selling without you having to be involved. The way you do this is by creating a website. The website will act as a funnel and will collect all of your traffic from everywhere and allow them to buy what you are selling. There are lots of different companies that make website building easy but I recommend using WordPress. WordPress is what Astro Rex Marketing uses to build their customers’ websites and you may even want to just have them build and keep your website up to date. It will save you time that you could spend creating the rest of your small business.
Hire Managers
You cannot do everything alone when it comes to running a small business. There is just too much to do. Using a company like Astro Rex Marketing will make it easier and will save you lots of time and time equals money. Companies like these will help to run your website, social channels and even ads that will help to get your product in front of even more people. As your company grows you will slowly need to hire more and more people to help run all that your business does. An example of some of the tasks that you might need a manager for is your social media, your product design, website development, SEO, social media ads, google ads, and many more things. Even if you had skills to complete every single one of these tasks I listed, you don’t have the time and your business won’t grow without help.
There are two ways you could go about hiring people to help run your small business. You could either try and hire people individually like one of your artsy friends could be your logo designer and your sister who happens to know how to run ads can try and run all of your ads for you or you could hire a single company to take care of all of your needs. A company like Astro Rex Marketing. I would recommend you save the hassle of trying to find everyone individually and just hire a company that will take care of all of it. In the end this will save you time and money.

The last step to creating your own company is to DO IT! There are plenty of people, me included, that can talk the talk but never walk the walk. What I mean by this is they come up with amazing ideas and keep talking about how they are going to make their own small business but they never do it. If you are reading this, stop right now and go create your own list of hobbies and then make your social media channel. There is no need to wait for the perfect day to come because the perfect day will never come. There is always going to be some excuse that you could make. Be spontaneous and just DO IT! There is no need to get permission from anyone else but yourself to start this company and the sooner you start the sooner it can start growing and becoming the dream company you’ve always wanted.